Arlequin | Indoor20.00 CHF – 50.00 CHF
Lemon | Green House20.00 CHF
Lemon – Indoor20.00 CHF – 50.00 CHF
Cannatonic | Green House20.00 CHF
Strawberry | Aquaponics13.90 CHF – 26.90 CHF
Cannatonic | Green House20.00 CHF – 40.00 CHF
Harley Queen | Aquaponics13.90 CHF – 26.90 CHF
ICEROCK20.00 CHF – 40.00 CHF
CBD flowers
CBD flowers come from the Cannabis Sativa CBD plant. These are characterised by their very low THC content. The fact that they do not have any psychic effects and allows to take full advantage of their virtues. Currently, there are many varieties of CBD flowers with varying effectiveness, taste and aroma.
The effects of CBD and the potential benefits of cannabidiol
CBD is a cannabinoid naturally present in cannabis. CBD flowers are naturally low in potency and have been specifically crossbred to achieve higher concentrations. This ratio has many effects on the body and mind, including
Relieve pain and inflammation;
Brings relaxation and renewed energy;
Fighting fatigue;
Increasing concentration;
Improve sleep;
Reduce stress and anxiety;
LeRiff.ch’s current selection of Swiss CBD flower products are the latest CBD Cannabis flowers. Our high quality Indoor CBD flowers reach CBD levels of up to 25%, while the THC level is always below 1%.
CBD Flowers Switzerland
Therefore, Swiss CBD flowers are a natural and safe solution due to their low THC content (less than 1%). There are many options on the market to take advantage of this. They are bought by the gram for optimal consumption.
CBD Indoor Flowers
CBD grows in a dark room away from the weather. This greenhouse-like cultivation method results in cannabis of superior quality in terms of taste, appearance and cannabidiol content.
CBD Flowers Outdoor
The cannabis is grown outdoors for an authentic taste and superior floral quality. This cultivation model has many advantages over the Green House or Indoor.
Moon Rock CBD
Straight from another planet CBD Moonrocks are often referred to as ‘hemp caviar’. The flowers have an explosive taste in the mouth. You will experience a sweet combination of earthy resinous and herbal aromas. This cannabis variety is also characterised by a high concentration of cannabidiol CBD.
Ice Rock CBD
Ice Rock is a premium sativa-dominant cannabis strain. It is popular with CBD enthusiasts because of its high CBD cannabidiol content and powerful benefits. Covered with beautiful crystals, its elegant appearance offers a visual treat that matches the refined taste.
CBG flowers
CBG flower is a variety of cannabis rich in cannabidiol. This premium product is specially treated for a unique fragrance and has countless healing properties.